CZ and IPSC continue Global Partnership in 2021

22. 2. 2021

We are pleased to announce that the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) and Ceska zbrojovka a.s. (CZ) will continue their successful global partnership in 2021 and work together in achieving their common goal of supporting IPSC athletes and promoting the sport. 

CZ has supported dynamic IPSC sport shooting disciplines for many years. In 2020, IPSC and CZ entered into a global partnership in the “IPSC Handgun“ field. It is also a partner in the IPSC Handgun World Shoot XIX in Thailand, which is the most important competition of the season.


“We are convinced that this mutual partnership will benefit both parties, reach new IPSC members and contribute to the popularization of this exceptional sport. The IPSC teaches discipline, reinforces the sporting spirit and promotes self-control. It helps develop awareness, strength, confidence and speed. We are very happy to participate in the development of all competitors devoted to the foundations and principles of this rapidly growing sport.” said Jakub Sondel, CMO at CZ.

“Our sport is very technical and the success attained by athletes depends on the quality of their equipment. In much the same way as we, as IPSC Representatives, are contributing to the development of the sport, companies that produce the equipment are also helping to fuel its ongoing progress. The Global Partnership with CZ helps bring the best products to market and allows our athletes to achieve better results. I‘m glad that we’ve teamed up with our Global Partner once again to confirm our good intentions in helping do what‘s best for the IPSC sports community,” said Vitaly Kryuchin, IPSC President.

Our common goal with this partnership is to promote IPSC sport shooting disciplines and contribute to further expansion of the IPSC community. Among our many contributions in this area is provision of the best sports specials from the CZ range, which are regularly utilized by top place finishers in IPSC events.

Our guns and products are distributed into more than 90 countries

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