Česká zbrojovka a.s. at the Milipol Paris 2019 Armed Forces Fair

21. 11. 2019

In November, Paris hosted the 21st year of the Milipol trade fair. This trade fair focused on internal defence and security was attended by over 30,000 participants and 300 journalists. Every year, thousands of companies present their new products, services and know-how. Companies presenting equipment for armed forces also included Česká zbrojovka.

The CZ booth displayed the most popular CZ firearm models and accessories as well as 4M equipment. The display included the whole family of P-10 pistols, hammer pistols P-07 and P-09 and the CZ Shadow 2 Orange sport model. Military firearms were represented by the CZ SCORPION EVO 3 submachine gun, the CZ BREN 2 BR battle rifle, the CZ TSR sniper rifle and CZ BREN 2 assault rifles. CZ products proved their worth abroad, which is evidenced in the field of security forces by, for example, the fact that CZ BREN 2 assault rifles are used by the French counter-terrorism unit, GIGN. The displayed pistols were equally popular and attracted many civilian visitors.

It was an honour for CZ to exhibit at one of the largest fairs of this nature and we thank all who came to visit us in Paris. We hope to see you soon on the next occasion.

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